Training Tips for Humans Caring for a New Puppy or Dog.

25 Training Tips for the Human Partner of a new Puppy or Dog.

Do you have a new Puppy or have you acquired a Dog for the first time and are in need of a few quick tips

1. Offer space and time to your new Puppy or Dog to observe, survey and soak in his new environment without rushing him.

2. Let go of all of your preconceived ideas and expectations and instead enter into a moment by moment life of discovery and adventure led by the needs and interests of your individual Puppy or new Dog.

3. Develop a playful bond with your Puppy or Dog by observing him and finding what toy ( toys don't always need to be conventional or purchased at the local store) or piece of cardboard or indeed clothing that makes his world rock and begin to gently invite him to play

4. All training should, I believe be approached in a spirit of play. To train is to teach, and to teach is not to command but to open the Dog's mind to the joy of making choices while learning all that is necessary to help him safely navigate our crazy Human world. Learning to learn through play is an awesome way to begin to teach your Puppy or Dog about all that he or she needs to learn.

5. Approach each play centered training session in a relaxed and joyful manner and define the session by inviting your Puppy or Dog to play. Never force him because whether he wishes to play or not must always be his choice. End each session with a word of praise and a "thank you" to him for joining in the fun.

6. If you would like your Puppy or Dog to learn in a manner that he enjoys, then you will make his training become a time of fun for you and for your Puppy or Dog because how you feel affects your Puppy or Dog too.

7. Progress to the next step only when the previous step has been fully processed, fully grasped and understood by your Puppy or Dog.

8. if you are new to a Puppy or if this is your first Dog, it is easy to fall into the trap of comparing your Puppy's or your Dog's progress with the Puppy or Dog next door, however, this approach very often is not really helpful, and can actually serve to damage your relationship with your Dog or Puppy, because each and every Puppy and Dog is a unique individual. Bear in mind that they are all different and refrain from being tempted to compare your Puppy's progress or your Dog's progress with that of another Puppy or Dog you chance to meet. Each and every Puppy and Dog is unique and different to any other.

9. If you are encountering problems understanding what to do, or if you feel that you are stuck, and at a loss to know what you should do next in order to get unstuck in your relationship with your Puppy or Dog, please reach out for help.

10. Keep your Puppy or Dog engaged and happy throughout his training sessions and remember these sessions are not just training sessions for your puppy because they are also training sessions for you, as you learn who your Puppy is, and what his needs are, as well as learning how to develop your communication skills in order to communicate better with your Dog.

11. Try to end each training session while you and your puppy are still having fun and while your Puppy or Dog is engaged and still wanting the session to continue.

12. Keep your training session confined to 10~20 pea sized training treats for an adult, and 5~10 pea sized training treats for a puppy or small breed Dog.

13. If you are introducing new treats to your Puppy, introduce them incrementally and slowly in order to prevent tummy upsets.

14. Make sure that your Puppy or Dog has enough time to rest.

15. Always make sure that your Puppy or Dog has access to an ample supply of fresh clean water for him to drink

16. Suitable safe toys of different textures are good for your Puppy or Dog to play with. Remember that Puppies and Dogs enjoy your company while they play and prefer not to play alone. If your Puppy is teething then chewy toys are essential.

17. If you are reading this and are about to bring home your first puppy, please remember that your puppy may be lonely and frightened and afraid of the dark when he first cones to your home, so please stay close to your Puppy as he settles in and let him know that you are there by providing proximity and visibility.

18. Remember that treats are extras to your Puppy's or Dog's daily intake of food, so be sure to cut back on the food that your Puppy or Dog receives at meal times in order to insure that your Puppy or Dog is receiving enough food rather than too much.

19. Set up a potty area for your puppy and try to insure that the puppy area has a perimeter ~ the perimeter (which should be low enough for Puppy to comfortably step over) defines the area and helps puppy to remain within the confines of the area while using the potty area, plus it also secures the puppy potty pad (if one is being used) from being pulled about.
Endeavor to keep Puppy's potty area clean, because a dirty Potty area will entice Puppy to Potty elsewhere.

20. If you are bringing home an adult Dog or a rescue Dog, then bear in mind that the Dog you have recently adopted may be grieving for their Human, or they may have suffered trauma or abuse, and you may require a little help in understanding his needs. While some adult Dogs can appear to fit right in from the get go, for many others it can take a number of weeks or even months to fully settle into your home and family, so take your time with him, and insure that you offer him the time he needs to process his new environment and get to know his new family.

21. Puppy proof your home so that there is nothing that Puppy can chew or eat or come into contact with that could prove harmful to Puppy~ pay particular attention to electricity cables, house plants that may be poisonous or access points to areas of danger or to exit doors or windows that could accidentally be left open. Also, if leaving your grown Puppy or Dog in a room while you are out please insure that there is no key or locking mechanism on the inside or on the Dog's side of the door because (as has happened on occasion) the Dog could lock himself into the room in a way that leaves you without access upon your return. Also Dogs have been known to escape through small windows.

22. Please consider all things holistic for your Puppy or Dog such as food, toys, grooming products, veterinary care, and medications.

23. Find the location of your choice of at least two local veterinarians (if possible) their opening hours and emergency numbers etc. Place all of the information where it is easy accessible to you and to other members of your family.

24. Draw up a contract between you and your Dog and hang in a place of prominence where you can read it from time to time and see how well you are living up to your side of the bargain.

25. Be patient, kind and understanding at all times in all your dealings with your Puppy or Dog and always set him up to succeed in each and every moment of his life creating the opportunity for him to reach his full potential.

Happy Training Everyone ❤